legacy of landscape architect František Thomayer, Jitka Trevisan a member of the organizing team

organization and professional guarantee of the conference on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the death of František Thomayer 2009

organizer: CULS, FAPPZ + NZM + SZKT

CULS - Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources

NZM - National Museum of Agriculture

SZKT - Society for Garden and Landscape Design, civic association

The conference was organized on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the death of the prominent Czech landscape architect František Thomayer (1856-1938), in the context of an exhibition organized for this anniversary in the National Agricultural Museum Prague (NZM), where his personal heritage and extensive projection archive are administered. Thanks to the care of the National Museum of Agriculture in Prague, a very extensive material and documentation of his works was made available, which represents a research base for the interpretation of his work. The aim of the conference was to commemorate the work of F. Thomayer, but especially in the interdisciplinary discussion to find ways in the process of restoration of hundreds of years old parks, which have become part of our cities, search principles of restoration of listed buildings. contemporary living space, what are the frameworks of their new interpretation, how to create and develop them with respect to the permanent values but with respect to the demands of contemporary life in them.